The University of Pikeville General Education Program is a fundamental component of all of the baccalaureate degrees (B.A., B.S., and B.B.A.) offered by the university and is based on three basic learning goals:
A University of Pikeville student will . . . Learn how to think,
Learn how to learn,
Learn how to express.
These three outcomes are actualized through four specific Learning outcomes.
University of Pikeville students will prepare for twenty-first century challenges by gaining:
Knowledge of Human Cultures and Societies
University of Pikeville graduates will develop a global perspective through exploration of knowledge in the social sciences, humanities, and the arts. The University of Pikeville’s Mission Statement affirms knowledge of Christian principles and Appalachian culture in the context of respect for a variety of religious expressions and cultural backgrounds. Study may include:
Issues of diversity
Global learning leading to intercultural competence
Knowledge of the Physical and Natural World
University of Pikeville graduates will understand and apply tools drawn from the sciences and mathematics to address everyday problems. The University of Pikeville’s Mission Statement affirms knowledge of quantitative skills and the sciences in the context of a broad undergraduate curriculum. Study may include:
Basic scientific principles and methods of inquiry
Quantitative literacy
Technological competence
Intellectual and Practical Skills
University of Pikeville graduates will be discerning readers and listeners as well as effective writers and speakers. The University of Pikeville’s Mission Statement emphasizes communicative skills, independent thinking, and problem-solving ability. Study may include:
Critical and creative thinking
Written and oral communication
Information literacy
Teamwork and problem solving
Personal and Social Responsibility
University of Pikeville graduates will be responsible citizens in a global society. They will develop a personal value system and possess the capacity to make ethical judgments. They will exemplify personal integrity and service to others. The University of Pikeville’s Mission Statement stresses development of the whole person and preparation for leadership, civic responsibility, and lifelong learning. Study may include:
Civic knowledge and engagement, both local and global
Ethical reasoning and action
Foundations for health and well-being
Experiential learning beyond the classroom
Foundations for lifelong learning
These four Learning Outcomes are interactively connected across the General Education curriculum.
These outcomes are already approved and in the catalog. They were adapted from The Association of American Colleges and University’s Essential Learning Outcomes: